City Census / Street Listing

The census is conducted annually in the City of Watertown as required by State Law M.G.L. Chapter 51, Section 4. By completing the annual census it helps us to better serve you by reviewing trends that are taking place in the City.

Additionally by completing the annual census you will remain an active voter for the address you are registered to vote. This allows for ease of voting on Election Days!

The census will be mailed to residents during the months of January and February of each year. You may mail, drop the form off to the Clerk's Office, or use the Ballot Box on the park side of the building.

The Local Election is Tuesday November 4, 2025 from 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Vote by Mail

Massachusetts voters now have the option to vote early by mail in all Municipal, State and Federal Elections, with no excuse required. The last day and time to request a Ballot by Mail is Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 5:00pm.

Early In-Person Voting at City Hall

To Be Determined

Vote in Person on Election Day

Information about where to vote on Election Day can be found here.

Voter Registration

You can check your voter registration status by visiting the Secretary of State’s website. Online Voter Application

If you have not yet registered to vote, you may do so by visiting the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall or you may register online. Online Voter Application. The deadline to register to vote in any election is ten (10) days prior to the date of the election.

Sample Ballots

Sample ballots will be available closer to the election. 

Voter Registration

You can check your voter registration status by visiting the Secretary of State’s website. Online Voter Application

If you have not yet registered to vote, you may do so by visiting the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall or you may register online. Online Voter Application

The deadline to register to vote in any election is ten (10) days prior to the date of the election

What does “U” or “Unenrolled” Mean?

When registering to vote, you have the option of choosing “unenrolled” under party enrollment or designation. This is commonly referred to as “independent” and means you are not enrolled in a party but ARE a registered voter. You will be allowed to vote in a party primary if you are listed as unenrolled. You will simply need to notify the poll worker which party ballot you would like to use. You will not need to change back to “unenrolled” after choosing a party ballot. Unenrolled does not mean that you are not registered to vote.

Have you Moved?

You must update your voter registration every time you move, even within the same city. If you have moved, you can update your voter registration by filling out a new voter registration form Voter Registration English.(PDF) and returning it to the City Clerk’s Office or by making the change online. Online Voter Application

Annual Census Frequently Asked Questions