Boards & Commissions

City Boards & Committees

The Watertown City Council has formed a variety of boards, commissions, and committees to assist the City in the information gathering and deliberative process. Boards and Commissions are vital to the operation of the City and ensure public involvement in the governmental process. Several boards are also delegated with decision-making authority. The public is strongly encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings, or serve as a board member or commissioner. It is the duty of each boards membership to provide feedback and direction to City Departments or the City Council on a variety of issues.

Watertown Board, Commission, and Committee Responsibilities (PDF)

How do I get involved in my community?

Members of the public are encouraged to attend public meetings of the City's Boards and Commissions and serve as members. To find out more about a specific board or commission, please visit their individual web pages. Board and commission meetings are open to the public, so potential applicants are encouraged to sit in on monthly meetings. Meeting dates, times and locations vary, and are available on individual web pages. You can also watch current or previous meeting videos to stay up-to-date.

Boards and Commissions Directory and Contact Information

Applying for a Board or Commission:

Interested applicants should fill out the online application, email a letter of interest accompanied by a resume, or send it by mail to the City Manager's Office: 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472

Need assistance or your questions answered?

We are happy to assist you. Please email us or by call the City Manager's Office at 617-972-6465. 

Watch the Info Session on serving on Watertown Boards, Commissions & Committees Video

Watch the Massachusetts Municipal Association's (MMA) webinar that covers public records and open meeting laws

Watch the Open Meeting Law Discussion Video