Health & Human Services Study

Take the Health and Human Services Study survey. The survey will close Friday, March 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.

The Study’s Goals

The City of Watertown is conducting an assessment of the community’s health and human service (HHS) needs, what services are presently available to meet those needs, and identify the remaining gaps in services. At the completion of this assessment, the City plans to use the recommendations made from the consultancy’s findings and address the gaps and needs to help make Watertown a healthier community.

The Study’s Plans

This study is an on-going project, led by the consultancy team at Health Management Associates (HMA), that began in 2023. The consultancy team is evaluating the public and private health and human services that serve the Watertown community with the goal of making recommendations to the City of Watertown about what services and resources are required to fill the gaps they identify.

This study is gathering information through efforts such as interviews and community sessions to best understand the health and human service landscape in Watertown and make the most beneficial recommendations possible to the City. 

Getting Involved in the Study

On January 29, 2024, the City of Watertown, in collaboration with HMA, hosted a Community Forum for all residents to attend at The Watertown Free Public Library on 123 Main Street in Watertown, MA. It was a great event and was filled with participation from residents and stakeholders sharing their opinions and concerns of the health and human services landscape in Watertown. 

Community input is key to the City of Watertown and this study; therefore, the City of Watertown and HMA have made available a survey for residents to continue informing this project! We encourage all residents to participate in answering many of the same questions that were asked at the Community Forum event. Participation will help the study team better understand needs and opportunities to serve the Watertown community better!

The survey is made available in both English and Spanish! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

See the Community Forum Slides (PDF)

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