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- Chapter 115 Veterans' Assistance
Chapter 115 Veterans' Assistance
The MGL Chapter 115 Benefits Program is a needs-based, means tested program administered by the cities and towns of the Commonwealth. It is available for veterans and dependents who require financial assistance for any of the following resources:
- OB/Fuel*/Medical: This is the highest level of benefits and provides financial assistance to recipients to help pay shelter, heating, and medical premiums. These recipients have lower income than other benefit levels.
- Fuel/Medical: This is the mid-level of benefits and provides financial assistance to recipients to help pay heating and medical premiums. These recipients have income that is too high to qualify for shelter assistance.
-Medical Only: This is the lowest level of benefits and provides financial assistance to recipients to help pay medical premiums. These recipients have higher income than other benefit levels, while still falling under 200% of the FPL.
-Spend-Down: This level is similar to the medical only level, but does not pay 100% reimbursement of medical premiums as the recipient’s income is above 200% of the FPL, and the benefit amount is adjusted by the dollar amount that exceeds 200% of the FPL.
Who is eligible to receive M.G.L. Chapter 115 benefits?
Anyone qualifying as a Veteran under the M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7, clause 43, may be eligible for veterans’ benefits from the community in which they reside, provided that they meet the Income and Asset Limits for this needs-based, means-tested program of financial assistance. However, applicants whose income is only slightly above the income limit may be eligible for medical benefits at a “spend down” adjustment amount. Check with your local VSO for the current Income and Asset Limits.
Unlike many states, Massachusetts extends the coverage for veterans’ benefits beyond the veteran to his or her eligible dependents. These eligible dependents may also apply for veterans’ benefits. The surviving spouse of a deceased veteran, provided that the spouse was married to the veteran at the time of his or her death, is considered an eligible dependent. Living spouses, children, and parents might also qualify to receive benefits.