Saltonstall Park Project

Project Overview
Project StatusConstruction Starting October 2024
Project Features

plaza, lawn, grove of trees, benches farmers market, a pavilion for concerts

Funding SourceCommunity Preservation Act Fund
City Departments & CommitteesDepartment of Public Works (DPW) 
Department of Community Development and Planning (DCDP)
Live Well Watertown 
Community Preservation Committee
Design Team


Segar Architects, Inc



H+O Structural Engineering

Construction ContractorUEL


Design & Community Input
Construction Drawings
Construction Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Saltonstall Park Project Overview

Saltonstall Park is an open space park adjacent to City Hall, and a gathering location for various City events such as Faire on the Square, The Summer Concert Series, and the Farmers Market. The goals of the Saltonstall Park Project include enhancing the upper area of Saltonstall and beautifying the park while also improving safety and accessibility.

This will be accomplished through landscaping upgrades, improving pedestrian accessible walkways, and enhancing the streetscape with benches and dark sky compliant lighting as well as installing a permanent covered performing space.

The DPW recently worked with the Veteran's Office to renovate the plaza around the flag poles to add the flag for the new 6th service branch of the armed forces. They have also been in continuous discussions with the Planning Department to ensure that these renovations will allow the park to be further utilized by the Watertown community not only by enhancing the current events that take place in the park, but by enabling additional events to be scheduled in the future.

a file #2diagram, engineering drawing

Community Feedback 

Over 800 residents participated in helping to select a structure to be installed at Saltonstall Park as part of the park’s redesign project! Across social media, FlashVote, Email & In Person Voting at the Library there was a clear Favorite!

Concept E took home 40% of the overall vote followed by Concept A with 23%, Concept B with 17%, Concept D with 11% and finally Concept C with 9%.

Thank you for you help! Please visit the page with the answers to common questions about the projecta file

Community Meeting Recordings

Please find links to below to watch Community Meetings that have been held thus far via ZOOM:

Meeting Presentation & Final Designs PDFs

Construction Updates

The Saltonstall Park Improvements Project will begin in the second week of October, 2024. Construction will continue from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 and the upper Saltonstall Park work area will be closed to the public during this time. The project includes upgrades to the walkways, stairs, and the installation of a new permanent stage.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, contact the Watertown Department of Public Works at 617-972-6420.